Discover Bologna

QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Bologna?

Test your knowledge of Bologna! I’ve come up with ten questions that, when all answered, provide an overview of some important aspects of Bologna’s history and other elements that give the city its character. 

I will publish the answers to the quiz in a blog post next Friday, linking also to several articles on the blog that will allow you to go more in depth regarding each topic addressed in the questions.

Have fun, and let me know how it went! 

Test your knowledge of Bologna!

1. Who founded Bologna?

2. What was a common architectural feature of Bologna in the Middle Ages? (It also gave the city one of its nicknames.)    

3. What was the first subject taught at the University of Bologna, the first university to be established in Italy and Europe? 

4. Why did Bologna’s porticoes become so widespread that today Bologna is known as the ‘porticoed city’, the city with the most kilometers of arcaded streets in the world? 

5. Is it true that the Basilica of San Petronio, the city’s most important church, is unfinished?

6. What are the names of the Two Towers of Bologna? Do they both lean?

7. What are the three nicknames Bologna is known as? Bonus If you also know a fourth one! (It’s the one I refer to in question #2.)

8. What’s the secret to perfect tortellini?

9. What famous cured meat originated in Bologna? (This one’s sooo easy!)

10. Do spaghetti alla bolognese exist? 

How did it go?

*Click here for the answers to the quiz.

3 thoughts on “QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Bologna?”

  1. Aced it!

    On Fri, Jan 22, 2021, 11:13 AM Bologna Uncovered wrote:

    > Silvia Donati posted: ” Test your knowledge of Bologna! I’ve come up with > ten questions that, when all answered, provide an overview of some > important aspects of Bologna’s history and other elements that give the > city its character. I will publish the answers to the qu” >

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